Results for 'Hsiao-Ch Iang Ting'

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  1. Chê hsüeh chieh tʻi.chʻiang Liu - 1966 - Taiwan Shang Wu Yin Shu Kuan.
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    科学哲学与科学社会学.Stewart Richards, Erh-Ch Iang Yao & Pin-Hsiang Chia - 1989
    译自: Philosophy and sociology of science: an introduction/Stewart Richards. -- 英国: Blackwell, 1983.
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    Key Economic Areas in Chinese History; As Revealed in the Development of Public Works for Water-Control.E. H. S. & Ch'ao-Ting Chi - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (3):414.
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  4. Ho chʻing nien pʻêng yu tʻan chi ko hsiu yang wên tʻi.Hao-chʻuan Ting - 1951
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  5. Chung-kuo chêng chih ssŭ hsiang shih.Kung-chʻüan Hsiao - 1954
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    Political pluralism.Kung-chʻüan Hsiao - 1927 - New York,: Harcourt, Brace & company.
  7. Zhongguo zheng zhi xi xiang shi.Kung-chʻüan Hsiao - 1954
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    Critical Reflections on my Pursuit of Learning.Hsiao Kung-ch'öan - 1977 - Chinese Studies in History 10 (4):4-5.
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    Harvest of Two Years at Tsinghua.Hsiao Kung-ch'üan - 1977 - Chinese Studies in History 11 (2):3-14.
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    On the Journey Home.Hsiao Kung-ch'üan - 1979 - Chinese Studies in History 12 (4):3-15.
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    Pursuit of Learning on a new Continent : Three Years at the University of Missouri.Hsiao Kung-ch'üan - 1978 - Chinese Studies in History 12 (2):3-24.
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    Pursuit of Learning on a New Continent : Three Years at Cornell University.Hsiao Kung-ch'uan - 1979 - Chinese Studies in History 12 (3):3-16.
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    Six Months in Shanghai.Hsiao Kung-ch'üan - 1980 - Chinese Studies in History 13 (4):3-16.
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    Teachers and Friends of the YMCA Middle School.Hsiao Kung-ch'üan - 1977 - Chinese Studies in History 11 (1):3-17.
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    Teacher and Students Growing Together: Five-And-A-Half Years at Nankai, Northeast, and Yenching Universities.Hsiao Kung-ch'üan - 1980 - Chinese Studies in History 13 (4):17-35.
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    Teacher and Students Growing Together : Five Years at Tsinghua.Hsiao Kung-ch'üan - 1980 - Chinese Studies in History 14 (1):3-18.
  17. Kʻung-tzŭ yü Yeh-su.ChʻêNg-Hsiao Na - 1967
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  18. Chʻuan-shan hsüeh shu yen chiu chi.Tʻien-Shih Hsiao (ed.) - 1973
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  19. Hsien Ch in Fa Chia Ssu Hsiang Shih Lun.Hsiao-po Wang - 1991
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    A Refutation of Some Confucian Fallacies Concerning the Causes of the Downfall of the Ch 'in Dynasty'.Tang Hsiao-Wen - 1975 - Chinese Studies in History 8 (1-2):191-206.
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  21. Li Shih Yen Chiu.Arnold Joseph Toynbee, D. Somervell & Hsiao-lin Ch en - 1979 - Kuei Kuan T U Shu Kung Ssu.
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    The Struggle Between Restoration and Counterrestoration in the Course of the Founding of the Ch 'in Dynasty'.Lo Ssu-Ting - 1975 - Chinese Studies in History 8 (1-2):55-73.
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  23. Chʻuan-shan hsüeh pʻu yü Chʻuan-shan i shu tʻi yao.Hsi-tʻang Chang & Tʻien-Shih Hsiao (eds.) - 1973
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    Legalism and Autocracy in Traditional China.Kung-Chuan Hsiao - 1976 - Chinese Studies in History 10 (1-2):125-143.
    There is ample justification for characterizing imperial China as a "Confucian State" (or "Confucian Society") as many students of Chinese history do. Such characterization is justified by the fact that Confucianism had contributed much to shaping and sustaining the imperial system from the Han dynasty to the Ch'ing. But it should be pointed out that Legalism had also played a crucial part in the development of that system and that, insofar as the above-mentioned characterization ignores the Legalist role, it is (...)
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  25. Kuei-ku tzu chih hsiao jen shu.Ying-lüeh Chʻen - 1973
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    The Customs and Religion of the Ch'iang.Robert B. Ekvall & David Crockett Graham - 1959 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 79 (1):58.
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  27. Hsiao hsin chai cha chi.Hsien-chʻeng Ku - 1975
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  28. Hsi yang che hsüeh hsiao shih.Tseng-ku Chʻüan - 1972
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    Mother's Books. Ch'I.-Chun - 1980 - Chinese Studies in History 14 (1):79-84.
    After a busy day cooking meals, washing clothes, and feeding the pigs, chickens, and ducks, my mother would call to me, "Hey, Little Spring [Hsiao-ch'un, go and get ma's book and bring it here.".
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  30. Ju Chia Ssu Hsiang Hsin Lun Ch Uang Tsao Hsing Chuan Huan Ti Tzu Wo.Wei-Ming Tu, Wen-Chang Chou, Ting Shan & Yu-hua Ts ao - 1996
  31. The humanist way in ancient China.Chʻu Chai - 1965 - New York,: Bantam Books. Edited by Winberg Chai.
    Introduction: Confucianism as humanism. Confucianism as a religion. The spirit of Confucianism.--Confucius.--Mencius.--Hsün Tzu.--Ta hsüeh (The great learning)--Chung yung (The doctrine of the mean)--Hsiao ching (The classic of filial piety)--Li chi (The book of rites)--Tung chung-shu.
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  32. Hsien Chʻin liang Han chung hsiao kuan nien ti fa chan.Po-kʻan Chou - 1976
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  33. Tsêng ting Kung hsüeh tʻung chʻüan.Huan Li - 1968
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    Be Unrelenting in Beating Dogs Who have Fallen in the Water - Liang Hsiao and Lo Ssu-Ting.Li-Shih Yen-Chiu - 1978 - Chinese Studies in History 11 (3):28-48.
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    Transition and Permanence: Chinese History and Culture, A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Hsiao Kung-chʿüanTransition and Permanence: Chinese History and Culture, A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Hsiao Kung-chuan.Hans H. Frankel, David C. Buxbaum & Frederick W. Mote - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (2):337.
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    Three Contemporary Chinese Painters: Chang Da-chien, Ting Yin-yung, Ch'eng Shih-fa.E. J. Laing & T. C. Lai - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):346.
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  37. Kʻung-Tsʻung-tzu: A Study and Translation of Chapters 15-23, with a Reconstruction of the Hsiao Erh-ya Dictionary.Yoav Ariel - 1996
    "The K'ung-ts'ung-tzu (The K'ung Family Masters Anthology) is a collection of writings, most of them discourses, that narrate the lives and scholarly activities of one lineage of Confucius' family, beginning with the Warring States period, and continuing with the establishment of the Ch'in dynasty and the succeeding Han dynasty. The book is divided into three parts. The first, introductory part deals with the Confucian character and literary mood of the K'ung-ts'ung-tzu. It embeds the philosophical position of the text within the (...)
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  38. Kuochi Jênch'üan Kungyüeh Chih Neikuo Hsiaoli I Kungmin Yü Chêngchih Ch'üan Kungyüeh Chi Chingchi Shêhui Wênhuach'üan Kungyüeh Shihhsingfa Weili [The Domestic Applicability of International Human Rights Law─ Take ICCPR and ICESCR as Examples].Y. K. Chen - forthcoming - T’Ai Wan Fa Hsiao Hui [Taiwan Law Society](Ed.), Taiwan Fasyue Sinketi [the Future Issue of Law in Taiwan].
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    (1 other version)On Yen Fu.Li Tse-Hou - 1979 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 10 (4):3-21.
    Yen Fu was one of the four representatives who looked to the West for truth before the birth of the Chinese Communist Party. Our research on his life and work is still insufficient. Needless to say, both Yen Fu and Lin Shu were known as famous translators in pre-Liberation days. But Lin Shu cannot be equated with Yen Fu, insofar as their ideological and academic achievements and their contributions to modern China are concerned. From the post-Liberation days to the eve (...)
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  40. The Realm of Rhetoric.Ch Perelman & William Kluback - 1982 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 17 (4):240-242.
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    Meeting of Minds: Intellectual and Religious Interaction in East Asian Traditions of Thought (review). [REVIEW]Deborah Sommer - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (2):318-320.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Meeting of Minds: Intellectual and Religious Interaction in East Asian Traditions of ThoughtDeborah SommerMeeting of Minds: Intellectual and Religious Interaction in East Asian Traditions of Thought. Edited by Irene Bloom and Joshua A. Fogel. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997. Pp. 391.Meeting of Minds: Intellectual and Religious Interaction in East Asian Traditions of Thought, a volume of eleven essays written in honor of Wing-tsit Chan and William Theodore (...)
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  42. (2 other versions)Traité de l'argumentation, la nouvelle rhétorique, 2e.Ch Perelman & L. Olbrechts-Tyteca - 1970 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 160:497-497.
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    Superstable groups.Ch Berline & D. Lascar - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 30 (1):1-43.
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    Evaluating assessment tools of the quality of clinical ethics consultations: a systematic scoping review from 1992 to 2019.Nicholas Yue Shuen Yoon, Yun Ting Ong, Hong Wei Yap, Kuang Teck Tay, Elijah Gin Lim, Clarissa Wei Shuen Cheong, Wei Qiang Lim, Annelissa Mien Chew Chin, Ying Pin Toh, Min Chiam, Stephen Mason & Lalit Kumar Radha Krishna - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundAmidst expanding roles in education and policy making, questions have been raised about the ability of Clinical Ethics Committees (CEC) s to carry out effective ethics consultations (CECons). However recent reviews of CECs suggest that there is no uniformity to CECons and no effective means of assessing the quality of CECons. To address this gap a systematic scoping review of prevailing tools used to assess CECons was performed to foreground and guide the design of a tool to evaluate the quality (...)
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    Impartial Institutions, Pathogen Stress and the Expanding Social Network.Daniel Hruschka, Charles Efferson, Ting Jiang, Ashlan Falletta-Cowden, Sveinn Sigurdsson, Rita McNamara, Madeline Sands, Shirajum Munira, Edward Slingerland & Joseph Henrich - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (4):567-579.
    Anthropologists have documented substantial cross-society variation in people’s willingness to treat strangers with impartial, universal norms versus favoring members of their local community. Researchers have proposed several adaptive accounts for these differences. One variant of the pathogen stress hypothesis predicts that people will be more likely to favor local in-group members when they are under greater infectious disease threat. The material security hypothesis instead proposes that institutions that permit people to meet their basic needs through impartial interactions with strangers reinforce (...)
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  46. Action Video Game Training for Healthy Adults: A Meta-Analytic Study.Ping Wang, Han-Hui Liu, Xing-Ting Zhu, Tian Meng, Hui-Jie Li & Xi-Nian Zuo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:187309.
    Action video game (AVG) has attracted increasing attention from both the public and from researchers. More and more studies found video game training improved a variety of cognitive functions. However, it remains controversial whether healthy adults can benefit from AVG training, and whether young and older adults benefit similarly from AVG training. In the present study, we aimed to quantitatively assess the AVG training effect on the cognitive ability of adults and to compare the training effects on young and older (...)
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  47. Special issue on the emergence of analytic philosophy in East Asia.Yarran Hominh, Minh Nguyen, Dien Ho, Yi Jiang, Joe Y. F. Lau, Ting-An lin, Nikolaj Jang L. Pedersen, Yeollim Bae, Jungkyun Kim, Youngsung Kim & Seong Soo Park - 2024 - Apa Studies on Asian and Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies 23 (2).
    This paper summarizes the evolution of analytic philosophy in Taiwan, examines its impact within and beyond academia, and discusses the future of the discipline. The roots of modern philosophy in Taiwan can be traced back to the Japanese colonial era, and analytic philosophy was introduced to the country in the late 1940s when many intellectuals in China moved to Taiwan. However, massive curbs were imposed on philosophy during Chiang Kai-shek’s dictatorship, and the discipline began to thrive again only after Taiwan’s (...)
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  48. Navigating conflicts of justice in the use of race and ethnicity in precision medicine.G. Owen Schaefer, E. Shyong Tai & Shirley Hsiao-Li Sun - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (8):849-856.
    Given the sordid history of injustices linking genetics to race and ethnicity, considerations of justice are central to ensuring the responsible development of precision medicine programmes around the world. While considerations of justice may be in tension with other areas of concern, such as scientific value or privacy, there are also tensions between different aspects of justice. This paper focuses on three particular aspects of justice relevant to this precision medicine: social justice, distributive justice and human rights. We describe the (...)
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    The rubber hand illusion in a mirror.Marco Bertamini, Nausicaa Berselli, Carole Bode, Rebecca Lawson & Li Ting Wong - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1108-1119.
    In the rubber hand illusion one’s hand is hidden, and a fake hand is visible. We explored the situation in which visual information was available indirectly in a mirror. In the mirror condition, compared to the standard condition , we found no reduction of the RHI following synchronised stimulation, as measured by crossmanual pointing and by a questionnaire. We replicated the finding with a smaller mirror that prevented visibility of the face. The RHI was eliminated when a wooden block replaced (...)
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    Rhétorique et Philosophie.Ch Perelman & L. Olbrechts-Tyteca - 1960 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 16 (3):398-398.
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